Guide to Treat Low Blood Pressure

March 20, 2011 by: admin

If the blood pressure is low, there is poor flow of blood to brain , heart and other vital organs. A person who feels light headed and very weak, who’s may faces low blood pressure. The symptoms may also includes sleepiness and blurry vision. Some time a patient with low blood pressure has serious side effects such as heart attacks.


–> A slight increase in the intake of salts , which helps you for increasing your blood pressure. Also you can take salty foods or a half tea spoon of salt into water which is valuable for low blood pressure treatment.

–> If you are caffeine drinker, you should need to stop it. Because the caffeine can be reduces your blood pressure.

–> One of the best treatment for low blood pressure is drink 8 to 10 glasses of water through the day. This treatment is also recommended by your doctor. Also you can drink some sports drink which contains salt hence it helps you for increasing your blood pressure.

–> Stay regular with your exercise which helps you for increasing the blood circulation as well as strength of your heart. Finally it helps you for increasing your blood pressure. Try the exercises such as light walking, swimming , cycling and breathing . The patient should be spend it’s more time in the fresh air which is essential for treating low blood pressure.

–> In some cases medicine may be prescribed by your doctor for treating the low blood pressure such as fludrocortisone and midodrine.

–> A half cup of beetroot juice also help you for treating low blood pressure. The patient with low blood pressure may need to drink half cup of beetroot juice for twice in a day. Within a week you will see the much improvement in your blood pressure.

–> Vitamin C , protein and all B group vitamin may essential for raising your blood pressure. So eat diet which contains Vitamin B and proteins which helps you for normalizing your blood pressure level.


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