Guide on Fibromyalgia and its Symptoms

March 29, 2011 by: admin

It is chronic condition which causes stiffness, pain and tenderness of the joints, muscles and tendons. Sometimes it is referred as Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Women’s are much more suffers from fibromyalgia than the mens. Most of the people with fibromyalgia have depression, irritable bowel syndrome, tensions, headache and anxiety. The relaxation, exercise and stress-reduction methods are also useful for control the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Also medication also help you for control the symptoms.

The most universal symptom of fibromyalgia  is pain which is not caused by inflammation of tissue. The pain usually affects on the arms, neck, sholders, the upper back, chest. The pain of  fibromyalgia can  aggravated by emotional stress, noise and weather change. Fibromyalgia also causes pain in the tender joints such knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, back of the head etc.

People who has fibromyalgia, they suffers from the fatigue.It is occur in most of the people which may be related to the abnormal sleep patterns.  People who have fibromyalgia, they often awaken tired and thought about sleeping for long time because the sleep is disturbed by the pain.

Many people face fibromyalgia due to mental and emotional disturbances. This contains symptoms such as mood changes, depression, poor concentration, irritability and anxiety.

Fibromyalgia may  include some other symptoms such as tension headaches, migraine, tingling of different parts of the body,  abdominal pain etc.  The abdominal pain is related to the irritable bowel syndrome which causes the chronic pain.


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