Treatment for Depression

February 20, 2011 by: admin

Now a days many depression treatments are available. For most of the people psychotherpy and medication treatments are effective.If any one can serve from depression , he needs a very caring doctor to guide. Actually combination of medication and psychotherapy treatment are most useful for that patient.To treat depression number of antidepressant medication are available , which is available in different types.

Most of the doctors starts depression treatment with SSRIs , it causes very less number of side effects than the other types of antidepressants and it is also safer medication. Most of the common side effects are it delayed orgasm and sexual desire may be decreases also it includes headache , digestive problems , restlessness etc.

2. Atypical:
This medication contains mirtazapine and trazodone. These antidepressant are taken by evening. It is sedating and in some cases it is added into other antidepressants which helps patient for sleeping.

3. NDRIs:
This type of medication does not causes the sexual side effects. In high doses , it increases the risk of having seizures.

4. Tricyclic:
This is an effective and newest medication.The side effects of this medication may include dry mouth , urinary retention , confusion , low blood pressure , fast heart beat etc. These medication are capable to confusion , memory problems and hallucination so that it is taken by an older adults.


This type of medication contains , venlafaxine , duloxetine and desvenlafaxine , it has same side effects as metioned in SSRIs. The high doses of this medication causes increase in dizziness and sweating.


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