How to Reduce the Swelling of the Feet During Pregnancy

June 22, 2011 by: admin

In an pregnant women there are many pathological and physiological changes are takes place. The swollen of feet is most common problem of pregnant women’s. Due to excess collection of fluid in the tissue and also hormonal changes in the body may causes the swelling of feet.

To reduce the swelling of feet you should need to do:

- Don’t stand on your feet for longer time.
- Restrict your salt intake.
- Slowly rotate your ankles.
- Regular walking exercise may help you to reduce the swelling of the feet.
- Don’t sit with your feet for longer time on the floor.
- Keep your feet on stool while sitting.

Also you can try some home remedies for reducing the swelling of your feet.

- Take one table spoon of fresh lime juice and mix it with one glass of lukewarm water then drink it for everyday. It is an effective home remedy for reducing the swelling.
- Take one tablespoon of saunf and half tablespoon of molasses then add it into 1 glass of water. Boil it down to half and drink it for two times in day.
- Add two tablespoon of dhania seed into one glass of water and boiled it down to half. Then drink it for single time for alternate day.

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