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Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism Presents - Yahoo Finance

In brief - Baltimore SunResearchers have identified seven possibilities for the next generation of mosquito repellent, some of which may work several times longer than the current standard-bearer, DEET. The next step: safety testing to make sure they’re not harmful. While Source:
Superbug bites dog - San Francisco GateThere’s a new and growing [...]

Read the rest of Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism Presents - Yahoo Finance

TICAD delegates urge efforts toward free malaria Africa - Xinhua News Agency

Iraq veteran says fall in LIRR gap ruined his health - NewsdayWhen National Guardsman Timothy Sample returned home to Hempstead in 2005 after surviving two tours of duty in Iraq without injury, he felt fortunate. Little did he realize danger still lay ahead - or that it would be on a Long Island Rail Road [...]

Read the rest of TICAD delegates urge efforts toward free malaria Africa - Xinhua News Agency