Treatment Plan For Acne

February 24, 2011 by: admin

Acne treatment depends upon your acne whether it is mild ,severe.The mild acne can be treated by using creams such as topical antibiotics , retinoids , benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid. Also severe acne can be treated by using above medicines , in some cases it requires antibiotic tablets. The first treatment option for acne is combination of topical treatments and the oral anitbiotics.

How it Works:
Oral antibiotics:
In most cases oral antibiotic treatment is used. For pregnant women it is the safe treatment for acne.This treatment recommends for 4 to 6 months. You should need to stop this treatment after six months because it reduces the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Benzoyl peroxide:
Benzoyl peroxide is available in gel form and it should be applied to your face for 20 mins which is used twice a day.It works in two different ways one is it kills the bacteria on the skin and second it helps to prevent dead skin. This makes your skin more sensitive so you should need to avoid extravagant exposure to sunlight.

Topical Antibiotics:
This is available in gel and it is applied for twice a day. It helps you to kill the bacteria on your skin.It is recommended for six week corse.

Azelaic Acid:
It helps for killing  the bacteria and getting rid of the dead skin. The azelaic acid is also available in cream or gels , which is used for twice a day.It does not make your skin more sensitive.

Topical Retinoids:
It is also available in gel or cream. After washing your face it should be applied for 20 min to your face.Before going on bed it is applied once a day to your face. It helps you to prevent dead skin cells plugging hair follicles. During pregnancy it is not suite for your skin which can be risky for birth defects.A sie week period is required for the acne.


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