Easy Remedy for Reducing Menopausal Hot Flashes

March 13, 2011 by: admin
Hot flashes are the first symptom of the menopause.The flash heat spreads all over the body and causes perspiration and sweating. Actually the hot flashes may treated with the help of hormone replacement therapy. To relieve from it here are some common natural ways which helps you better:

# For reduction of hot flashes the Black Cohosh is the best choice.It allows for getting releif from hot flashes and also other menopause symptoms such as heart palpitation , headaches etc.

# The vitamin E is also essential for reducing the menapausal hot flashes. During the menopause the vitamin E helps you to reduce the severity and occurrence of night sweats and hot flashes .

# At least 30 mins exercise may essential for getting relief from the hot flashes. You can do an aerobic exercises such as swimming, walking, running, cycling etc.

# The soy also help to prevent the hot flashes. Eat soy based products such as soy protein powder, milk, meat etc, the soy contains the natural estrogen which help for getting releif from the hot flashes.

# Stay away from the spicy foods which causes sweating nights and trigger hot flashes. Replace those foods with the other foods which contains plant estrogens such as appales, potatoes, carrots , yams etc.

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