Guide on Lung Cancer and its Symptoms

March 23, 2011 by: admin

It is begins in the lungs, which can arises from any part of the lungs. But 90 – 95 % of cancers are arises from the epithelial cells and 5% arises from the pleura.

It consist of an uncontrolled growth of the cells in the tissue of lungs. The abnormal cells continuous dividing and it forms masses of tissue called as tumors. The tumors may be interfere with the main function of the lungs. It becomes more dangerous when the cancer cells are spread to the other parts of body through the blood.

It is mainly divided into two types i.e small-cell lung cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer.The non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is treated with surgery while small-cell lung cancer treated with radiation and chemotherapy.


–> The lung cancer does not cause any early symptoms, it causes when disease becomes advanced.

–> A new cough that doesn’t go away.

–> Coughing up blood in small amount, it is occur in significant number of people with lung cancer.

–> In one forth people the chest Pain is common symptom of lung cancer. The chest pain is aching , dull and persistent.

–> Shortness of breath is also common symptom of lung cancer and it is result from collection of fluid around the lungs and form blockage in the part of lung.

–> Weight loss without trying or dieting.

–> Changes in chronic cough.

–> Hoarseness

–> Wheezing

–> Bone Pain

–> Headache

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