Common Causes of Yellow Teeth

April 4, 2011 by: admin

The original color of teeth is light  yellow not pure white. Rare people have the white teeth and  it also varies from person to person. There are various causes of yellow teeth.

–> Many people have yellow teeth from their childhood, the color of teeth is due to the genetic factor. Those people should need to visit dentist for knowing the ways for white teeth and also gives you detail information about how to bleach your teeth at home.

–> Many people do brush at once time, they do not brush their teeth before going to the bed. Through the whole day , do at least two time brush which is essential for the health and also helpful for the maintaining the white color of your teeth . The brushing and flossing is essential for removing the stain-producing substance and plaque.

–> There are various disease which causes the yellow color of the teeth .Yellow colored teeth also caused due to the disease which is affecting on the dentin and enamel. Most of the time the treatment like radio therapy and chemotherapy causes the yellow color of teeth.

–> It also causes due to smoking and chewing tobacco. The nicotine which is present in tobacco and cigarette causes the discoloration of your teeth. Hence avoid smoking, chewing tobacco and also drinking red wine.

–> The other medication or the antibiotics causes the yellow teeth. Avoid excess use of medication.

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