Guide on Bad Breath and How to Prevent it

March 21, 2011 by: admin

It is an embarrassing problem.Medically the bad breath may be called as halitosis. It can be result due to poor dental health and it becomes worse due to the types of food you eat and also unhealthy habits.The bad breath may be caused due to lots of elements such as oral bacteria and gingivitis.

The halitosis may causes refers in your personal relationship. It occurs due to the foods which you eat are absorbed into your bloodstream, where they are transferred towards your lungs and then it may be breathed out.

How to Prevent it:

–> Brush your tongue while brushing your teeth. Because tongue can capture the bacteria through it’s lots of tiny hairs.

–> Visit regular to your dentist for checking your teeth to rule out gum disease and also for treating the faulty restoration and leaking crowns  which can trap the food in your mouth.

–> After every meals, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth which helps you to remove the particles of food form your mouth.Also try swooshing it in your mouth for at least 20 secs to remove the food particles.

–> Drink lots of water , if your mouth is dry. You should need to avoid caffeine and alcohol which makes dry to your mouth.

–> Chew a sugarless gum which helps you to increase the flow of saliva.

–> Use the mixture of 50% of water and 50 % of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. The hydrogen peroxide helps you to kill the bacteria which may causes bad breath.

–> If you are smoker, you should need to stop smoking. Because the nicotine and tar can make a it’s surface on your teeth , cheeks and tongue and thus it makes dry to your mouth.

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