Guide on Endometrial Cancer and its Symptoms

May 16, 2011 by: admin

The endometrial cancer is starts in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus in the women’s pelvis. The uterus is the hollow organ where the fetus develops and grows when women is pregnant. The uterus has two parts, the upper part of uterus is called as corpus while the lower part is called as cervix. The uterus also has two layers the inner layer is called as endometrium , it is spongy and soft and outer layer is called as myometrium and it is thick layer which is composed of strong muscles.

The endometrial cancer starts when the cells of endometrium may undergoes transformation and it begins to grow in uncontrolled mechanisms. This cancer is dangerous because it overtakes healthy cells with taking their space, nutrients and oxygen which are important for survive and the function.


- Pain during intercourse.
- Pelvic pain.
- Feeling pain during urination.
- Weight loss without trying.
- Heavy bleeding  between the periods.
- Vaginal bleeding after menopause.


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